Brock Whitbread

web development guy working on @merchapp. i like funny tv, bad movies, writing, and alice in wonderland. i’m going to make more music sometime, i just don’t know when. pushing code to:

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Merch Challenges: pulling hair

This post is part of a loose series documenting the development process of Merch. If you want to read more about the app or track along with our progress, head over here. By the way, my partner in crime is @tahaadiljalil, a rockstar and international badass I met at Bitmaker Labs and all the work for Merch is being done at Filament Creative in Toronto.

I’m hoping if you’ve found your way here it’s because you, like me, are working on building a Rails web app with a Parse backend and it’s making you want to call your Dad, go back to school, do an ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ thing, whatever. Maybe that’s a little overboard (in truth we’re having a great time building it), but the original statement stands; if Parse + Rails is freaking you out a little, I hope you feel not quite so alone out there.

Taha and I found out this week that the associations we’d made between two of our Merch models...

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Merch Challenges

This is the spot I’m using to document some of the challenges the Merch team and I have faced over the course of the project. I’ll try and include code snippets as much as possible to show what we’re dealing with but that all depends on time. By the way, my partner in crime on this project is @tahaadiljalil; a new friend from Bitmaker Labs in Toronto. Enjoy!

First Steps: User Sign Up and Log In

Essentially, we built this whole step nearly to completion locally on our machines using a pretty standard Rails setup and gemset which worked really well until we had to integrate what we had with [Parse]( Getting our baby Rails app to share data with a prebuilt database on Parse proved to be a pretty big speed bump. Naturally, we spent some time searching out a solution and eventually thought we’d found one. Enter parse_resource.

The goal of parse_resource is to make...

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bitmaker labs: filling in the gap

I told myself to take time and write about Bitmaker Labs earlier than the end of the 7th week. Ideally I wanted to write about it at the end of every week rather than once near the end of the program. But it got busy and I forgot, so it’s happening now instead. C'est la vie.

I want to focus on before I started at Bitmaker. If you’re thinking about joining the program but you’re on the fence, I suggest looking up a few of the other students that have posted regularly about their experience. Some of them are from Bitmaker but almost everything I read before the first day was from guys and girls taking a similar course somewhere else in North America. By and large, they said essentially the same thing; that the bootcamp coding experience works for some people and doesn’t work for others. I made the decision to take a course like this when I started to see the huge gap between learning code...

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